Skin, hair, and nails are derived from dynamic, living tissue. And, like all living tissue, they need proper nourishment. Since hair and nails are derived from skin cells, the nutrients required for healthy skin are the same nutrients required for healthy hair and nails.
While most people try to improve the appearance of these tissues from the outside alone, the real key to healthy skin, beautiful hair, and strong nails is building them from the inside out, through good nutrition and key dietary supplements.
Due to poor dietary habits, use of stimulants and stressful lifestyles, most of us are deficient in various nutrients such as Vitamins and Minerals that are essential for hair, skin, and nails to look healthy and function normally.
HealthAid’s comprehensive range of hair, skin, and nail care products is crammed with high-quality ingredients, Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs, antioxidants and Collagen supplements for hair, skin, and nails to esnure they look healthier.