Ancient Greek physician Hippocrates, the father of medicine said that “All diseases begin in the gut.” Today we have enough evidence to believe that he was not far from the truth because many chronic and metabolic health problems are linked to the poor gut health. Also, the weakness of our immune system, which is greatly influenced by the ratio between good and bad bacteria in the gut, is one of the key causes of various health conditions.
The proper ratio of good to bad bacteria is a critical measure in determining overall health and well-being. It is believed that healthy human organisms should contain more than 85% of beneficial bacteria and less than 15% of pathogenic (“bad”) bacteria.
Unfortunately, due to an unhealthy lifestyle, refined (low in fibre) diet, misuse of antibiotics, stimulants, chlorinated water, toxins, and other factors our gastro-intestinal tract is often very low in beneficial probiotic bacteria.
As a result, our intestines are overloaded with pathogenic yeasts and bacteria producing toxins and causing intestinal damage, inflammations and contributing to all kinds of problems including constipation, diarrhea, weak and dysfunctional immune system, poor absorption of nutrients, bloating, allergies, colic, and various skin conditions. Therefore, we should take probiotics for gut health.